
#OlehProblems: Making Aliyah

I am a student in Israel, I wanted to make Aliyah my first year studying, but I was told by numerous people including the army itself that "ain sikuy" that I can push off service till I finish my studies. I later found out that I could have, now I have been in Israel too long to get all the benefits I wanted and I am broke practically homeless and I need to pay for my last year in college #olehproblems


  1. Anonymous4/09/2013

    Did you attempt to apply for Heseg and or Impact during your first year of studies.
    Have you spoken to the IDC about scholarship opportunities?

  2. Anonymous4/10/2013

    all benefits are frozen while you are in the army. It means that the time you spent in the army does not count towards the two years you have to do something after making aliyah. (For everything but arnona discounts)

  3. Anonymous4/10/2013

    Yes I know your benefits are frozen - you were having issues paying for school - did you apply for external help from Impact or Heseg (two organizations that only help those that HAVE served).
